22 April 2010

Worms, Goats and Cupcakes - Happy Earth Day

I was trying to decide how to introduce Earth Day to K, and how Dear A could help, since she's with him all day. My husband suggested having them build a vermicompost, but a 2yr old and worms seemed like a bad idea to me. Visions of 'pet' worms sharing my bed and all that. 'Pets' got me thinking, would getting a pet goat, to eat the weeds and lawn in the backyard be considered going green? And where would one get such a goat? And, is there is group for Goats As Lawnmowers (GAL?) like the CLUCK coalition? And then I realized my thoughts had wandered waaaayyy past the initial goal...
What to teach K, and ask Dear A to adopt, as a longer-than-one-day lesson for Earth Day?

Vermicompost aside, I decided it should be easy enough to get back into composting. We did it, in our old house, pre-baby. While the current house doesn't yet have a good backyard space for composting, I have had my eye on one of these for a while. For now, for Earth Day, I'm digging out the bucket bucket and investing in teaching K, and Dear A, about composting.

While I'm fine with composting I'm not big on gardening. Its not a hobby. At all. I can't even manage a rock garden. So, my 2nd decision is to look into Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) this summer and take K and Dear A with me to pick up the box each week. The Hillhurst Community Association is hosting our local CSA providers on May 6, I've signed up to attend and will hopefully start a weekly tradition of picking up our veggies from Farmer John.  To find out about CSA in your area, I suggest Google. One click (well okay 3 clicks) and here are the ones I found for our neck of the woods:
My last lesson for K on Earth Day? I'm taking him and Dear A to Crave Cupcakes, where anyone who brings their own container saves $2, with proceeds going to Green Calgary. Now that's the kind of conservation everyone can get behind!

1 comment:

Big Mama said...

I have a composter (the black one from City of Calgary if you want it)

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