09 December 2011

Two Words That Struck Fear into My Heart

Open. Permit.

Scared Face.
As in Dear A got hers and can now apply for employment outside of our sponsorship and the Live In Caregiver Program. I almost didn't write about this because I'm terrified that someone will read this and come and steal her away. (Please don't.)

In the big picture, this is great news for someone I truly adore. Dear A has worked hard for this opportunity and it means she's one step closer to the life she wants to build in Canada, but... GULP, what if she leaves?

I've been thinking about it for a while - since we started the applications - and we've talked about it. I know that our new contract is good, and that she's happy with us. I know that always talking to her about part-time jobs, future jobs, schooling and ways for us to help her on that path will ensure no big surprises.  But, I also know the wait lists for good day homes and day cares in our neighbourhood and the problems families are facing finding childcare all over the city.

So, I'm still scared.


Merry said...

I feel your pain! As you know, our nanny got her papers & like you, I am happy for her. Unlike you, she immediately gave notice so that she can move to Edmonton (3 hours away) to live with her brother. We think we've found a new nanny but I wish she could/would stay.

nanny edmonton said...

Finding reliable childcare in Edmonton can be somewhat of a challenge, trust a relative stranger is a tough job to do but there are professionals available whom you can trust.

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