Let me state, right off the bat – I am not getting paid to say this. I’m putting it out there because whenever we unpack the CAM Smarty, people ask about it.
Before a trip to Europe, and after an unfortunate incident where our Bumbo was launched off the roof of the car, I found this booster chair online.
The CAM Smarty is light, folds down really, really, flat and works on pretty much every chair you’ll encounter.
The legs adjust in height so you can always have Jr at the right level and the rubber grips make it sturdy on everything from floor to the pleather chairs at the semi-fancy chain restaurants you frequent with kids. There are three sets of straps – the traditional seatbelt, a long strap to go around the back of the chair and a wide strap to secure the chair to the seat. It also comes with a removable tray we took with us until K was civilized enough to join us at the tabletop. (I'm kidding, he's not that civilized, he's just more demanding about being at the table.)
The Smarty is definitely a bit pricey for a booster, but if you compare to a Bumbo, not that much of a stretch, and I will guarantee you get more use out of it. I bought mine at Dear-Born Baby. Since then three other acquaintances have bought from different vendors, online and from a shop in Toronto. I haven't seen one in a Calgary store yet, but did mention them to the Mom Shop folks. Guess we'll see.
Anyway, online shopping included, so far so good...so the reason I'm sharing. The Smarty makes me feel like a smarty!
Thanks for this Sho. We will have to check these out at VonKids!
You're welcome Emma. I think they'd be a hit over there.
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